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We are positioned for influence, for empowerment and encouragement, and for the restoration of the total you by the special grace of God. You will be nurtured. You will be helped. You will find healing and the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. This will empower you and people from diverse cultures to reach their God-given fullest abilities and to live an everyday life of joy, fulfillment, happiness, and purpose.


JohnJane GraceWorld International Ministries (JGWIM) is a Christian dynamic Non-denominational, multi-cultural, multi-racial, and international ministry where Jesus reigns and the grace of God rules supreme. We believe in living for Jesus and contributing to social change. We hate poverty. We affirm living for big purposes and dreams by living for significance—solving human problems. This is how people and nations are transformed and are equipped to live in abundance where people are better positioned to be useful on earth. Our Church ministry-The GraceWorld Christian Fellowship (GCF) is one arm of ministry under JGWIM which Pastor John Nwankwo and Pastor Jane John-Nwankwo founded and are the Senior General Pastors.


• Empowering and nurturing one another—to enable us become successful as new creatures in Jesus Christ that leads us to sustain good relationships with the Holy Spirit and maintain good health to our minds and bodies.

• In Empowering and nurturing one another—to enable us become successful in material prosperity, in dominion principles that that provides us opportunities to master entrepreneurships and wealth creation. This will lead us to victory over poverty and give us the ability to meet our material needs on earth.

• In Empowering and nurturing one another—to enable us become successful and responsible in spirituality that leads us to be good citizens where we learn to treat one another with love and respect as we will have them treat us. This will help to strengthen our lives, the lives of those we love, the lives of our neighbors and society in general.

• In Empowering and nurturing one another—to enable us become successful among those who will share in God’s glory when Jesus returns soon to earth to end our fears, end poverty, end injustices, end hurts or pains, end betrayals and sorrow; end disappointments and rejection, end evils and the Satan. God will end suffering, end all lives struggles, end sicknesses and diseases, and ultimately, end and defeat death and those awe moments that crush our hopes and our hearts.


Our ministry goal is to empower people’s everyday life and lead them to live for JESUS. We want to prepare you and your loved ones to maximize your potentials on earth before Jesus soon return. Our ministries will help you come closer to God who loves you so dearly. We are focused to continually provide empowerment opportunities for your spiritual well-being, physical, emotional, and mental well-being, and your economic growth and prosperity. Our ministry will transform your life and help prevent you from poverty, while you serve God and others locally and internationally.


1. To operate an international non-denominational, multicultural and multiracial ministry, where Jesus reigns and the grace of God rules supreme as people are transformed.

2. To provide weekly opportunities for spiritual nurture and enrichment programs, where people are exposed to the love and forgiveness of Jesus through exuberant praise, and worship and fellowships where prayer is steadfast.

3. To do ministry in ways that it nurtures and lead seekers back to God and offer people opportunities to maximize their God-given potentials.

4. To effectively use the word of God as a tool to nurture, equip, and empower our target audiences to live for significance, solve human problems, avoid poverty, and embrace spiritual growth and economic prosperity.

5. To mentor, strengthen, and empower our youths, and transition them to become responsible adults who will in turn, prepare their families and societies for the kingdom of God.

6. To be leaders in what we do—the transformation of lives, and the exposition of people and communities to the grace of God.

7. To train leaders who will become a force for positive social change in this generation by building community ministries & centers that offers life-long skills and empowerment opportunities through healthcare and education.


Senior Pastor

 John U. Nwankwo, MA., MPH., Ph.D.


 Jane John-Nwankwo, RN., MSN., Ph.D.

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